Zimbra Collaboration Open Source Mail Sunucunun kullanmış olduğu varsayılan portlar
External Access
These are ports typically available to mail clients.
25 smtp [mta] – incoming mail to postfix
80 http [mailbox] – web mail client
110 pop3 [mailbox]
143 imap [mailbox]
443 https [mailbox] – web mail client over ssl
465 smtps [mta] – incoming mail to postfix over ssl (Legacy Outlook only? If possible, use 587 instead)
587 smtp [mta] – Mail submission over tls
993 imaps [mailbox] – imap over ssl
995 pops [mailbox] – pop over ssl
9071 https [nginx => mailbox] – proxy admin console (if enabled)
Internal Access
These are ports typically only used by the zimbra system itself.
389 ldap [ldap]
636 ldaps [ldaps] – if enabled
7025 lmtp [mailbox] – local mail delivery
7047 http [conversion server]
7071 https [mailbox] – admin console
7072 http [mailbox] – ZCS Nginx Lookup (backend http service for nginx lookup/authentication)
7110 pop3 [mailbox] – Backend POP3 (if proxy configured)
7143 imap [mailbox] – Backend IMAP (if proxy configured)
7306 mysql [mailbox]
7307 mysql [logger] – logger (removed: ZCS 7)
7780 http [mailbox] – spell check
7993 imaps [mailbox] – Backend IMAP SSL (if proxy configured)
7995 pop3s [mailbox] – Backend POP3 SSL (if proxy configured)
8080 http [mailbox] – Backend HTTP (if proxy configured on same host)
8443 https [mailbox] – Backend HTTPS (if proxy configured on same host)
10024 smtp [mta] – to amavis from postfix
10025 smtp [mta] – back to postfix from amavis
11211 memcached [proxy] – nginx route lookups
System Access
22 ssh
53 dns
514 syslogd [logger] (udp)